Your visions

What would make the streets of Northeast Los Angeles safer and more pleasant?

In the next weeks we’ll be posting some visions we collected from some people we admire.

In the meantime, send your own ideas and drawings to:

urbanforestcollaborative AT gmail DOT com

Let’s talk!

1 Response to Your visions

  1. As a working single ma with 2 big dogs, I come home to my Eagle Rock apartment every evening and immediately saddle the dogs up, grab the stroller, and head out. It’s dark now at that time, and I inevitably trip, twist my ankle and stub my toe trying to navigate the streets with hyper pups and a 5-month-old baby in a cumbersome carriage. I’ll take either a) street lights or b) the uneven sidewalks being repaired. It may be a pipe dream, so perhaps I should invest in a head lamp.

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